Shelter and Services

We are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!


Serving homeless neighbors in need since 1892

The Union Mission’s Bashford Men’s Shelter and our Women’s Shelter are dedicated to helping people overcome their homelessness and giving them a chance to start again. By first providing for their physical needs, we can then provide job- and life-skills training, mental health services, emotional counseling, and spiritual support. But to transform lives forever, we need your help!

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The Free Services We Provide for our Guests

Every day hundreds of men, women, and children come through our doors needing a safe place to sleep and a healthy meal. Meeting these most basic human needs is often the first step, but not the last, to helping them get back on their feet.

Our services include:

  • Safe, emergency shelter
  • Hot, wholesome meals
  • Showers/toiletry items
  • Clean clothing and laundry access
  • Case management to overcome the causes of homelessness
  • Job-readiness, relational, and life-skills training
  • Wellness and medical care, vision and dental aid, and mental health support
  • Emotional and spiritual counseling
  • Chapel services and Bible studies

Learn more about these services for our emergency guests.

The Bashford Men’s Shelter

Provides safe emergency shelter in bunkroom-style dormitories for up to 125 adult men in need. Our RECLAIM transitional housing program provides additional help for residents who need more support and time to achieve independent living in permanent housing.

If you are seeking shelter, please call (757) 627-8686, ext. 200.

Grace Place

Our women’s shelter program provides emergency shelter in modular bedding dormitories for up to 36 single women. Once our female guests secure income and long-term housing, the ministry provides discounted furniture and household goods to help give them a fresh start.

Grace Place also has seven private rooms to accommodate women with children.

If you are seeking shelter, please call (757) 627-8686, ext. 331.


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